Ouest-Edel is an open access electronic scientific journal management platform, developped by Espaces et sociétés unit research.

It supports researchers, laboratories and research teams in their editorial projects for wide or targeted dissemination in compliance with the principles and rules of open access and, more generally, of open science.


  • Temps, Mondes, Sociétés

    La revue Temps, Mondes, Sociétés – L’histoire en dialogue interdisciplinaire offre un espace d’expression à tous les agencements pluriels dans lesquels l’histoire est impliquée. Son objectif est de partager les expériences et d’interroger la recomposition des objets d’étude, méthodes, matériaux, problématiques et formes de restitution des résultats qu’entraine l’interdisciplinarité. La revue soutient la participation de l’histoire à la co-construction des connaissances avec la conviction que ces tissages collectifs ne diluent pas les exigences scientifiques propres à chacune des disciplines. Elle fait ainsi le choix de porter son attention sur l’interdisciplinarité effective – bien au-delà du supplément d’âme historique parsemé dans les travaux d’autres disciplines ou de la rhétorique opportuniste – pour questionner la pratique d’un dialogue réel, en tant qu’élément constitutif de la dynamique épistémologique et organisationnelle de l’histoire.

  • Sports Atlas

    This innovative sports atlas is an observatory of sports at different geographical scales. A tool for analysing the world of sport and the dynamics that run through it, without claiming to be exhaustive, it brings together many contributions from researchers in geography and sociology, but also in anthropology, law, economics, history, political science, geopolitics, information and communication sciences, STAPS, as well as experts in digital and dynamic cartography. Going beyond a simple inventory and study of competitive sports, it is part of a multi-disciplinary and complementary approach to understanding and representing sporting cultures, sport-related issues and the ways in which they are spatialised. As a cross-disciplinary project for cartographic development and scientific dissemination aimed at a wider (extra-academic) audience, it is certainly inspired by previous reflections and productions, but is intended to be an innovative project, based on the mobilisation of a variety of materials, taking an interest in a multiplicity of themes and questions, as well as promoting scientific debate.

  • Revue Francophone sur la Santé et les Territoires

    Since 2015, the Unité Mixte de Recherche ESO 6590, « Espaces et SOciétés », has been publishing the Revue francophone sur la santé et les territoires. Exclusively electronic and constantly updated, the journal studies, in an interdisciplinary approach, the spatial dimension of health and, conversely, the health dimension of territories. It hosts thematic issues (coordinated by one or more authors) and a section “Workshops and seminars”.

  • Passerelles SHS

    Passerelles SHS is a multidisciplinary journal led by doctoral students from the Societies, Time, Territories (STT) Doctoral School. It highlights the many bridges that are woven between disciplines through multidisciplinary approaches in the humanities and social sciences. The Passerelles SHS journal is an open space for reflection on the practices and methods of these scientific approaches.

  • Cahiers Nantais

    Les Cahiers Nantais is the biannual journal of the Institute of Geography and Planning of the University of Nantes. Since 1970, Les Cahiers Nantais has promoted geographical production relating to the West of France.

  • Mondes du Tourisme

    Mondes du tourisme is a research journal dedicated to tourism. It asserts that tourism can be constructed as an object of scientific knowledge that can be isolated from the flow of events and processes in human societies. Its scientific and editorial project aims in particular to encourage the invention of new theoretical frameworks or concepts in order to better understand the processes at work. It is the crossroads of scientific work from social science disciplines (planning and urban planning, anthropology, economics, geography, history, management sciences, communication, political science, sociology, etc.)